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Monthly Moon Circles

Monthly Gatherings to work with the energy of the moon

1 h 30 min
22 British pounds

Service Description

90 Min workshops working with the energy of the Moon In astrology, the moon represents our emotions and new and full moons are an excellent time to stop, reset and reflect. The New Moon is an invitation to go inward and be with our emotions & our inner-voice to find what our truth is in that moment. We plant the seeds for what we want to create and manifest. Specially selected crystals or flowers Candles and Incense Discovery of goddesses A gentle flow to create space Journalling An Oracle Cards Cacoa or herbal tea The Full Moon can be a dynamic time filled with manifestation, culmination and self-realisation. We will take time to reflect on what’s working (or not) in our lives - whether that’s in relation to work, relationships or health - and proceed with change if necessary. Full Moon rituals for manifestation and energy cleansing will include: Crystals work A flow to release energy A candle lit meditation Smudging with sage Starting a gratitude journal/ continuing with this each month Discovery of goddesses Moon Cards Cacoa or herbal tea You will get to take home the crystal we work with each month at the end of the session.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

We request at least 12 hours notice to cancel a booking to allow time to allocate your place to someone else. Thank you

Contact Details

  • Anahata Yoga Leeds, Farsley, Pudsey, UK

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